Friday, May 25, 2007


Our new business venture, Compass, has unofficially opened. Although we're still waiting on registration papers from the government, the office remodeling is finished and the doors are open for a "soft launch". If you're like me and have no business background, soft launch is a chance to test out your business before it actually opens. Students are coming in for conversation practice and we hope to offer a few mini-seminars.

Yesterday our whole family went to spend the afternoon talking with students. I made some new friends, and look forward to getting to know these girls better. One of them, Emerald, is engaged to be married and asked my advice for a solid marriage. Another of the girls has begun the practice of the daily prayers five times a day. She was interested in what my prayer life is like.

Please pray that over time I will be able to come back to these subjects and share in greater depth the foundations of my marriage and relationship with God.

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