The day before my daughter's 15th birthday, I asked my neighbor to teach me how to make red lentil soup. It's Julie's favorite, and I wanted to serve it the following day. As my neighbor Esther and I chatted, she asked about my mother's health. That led into a discussion on death and judgment. She told me all about her beliefs--some things I already knew and others were new to me. Then I told her what we believe. That Jesus died on the cross [at this point she interrupts to let me know that the Koran doesn't teach that] because we can never do enough good works to earn salvation. That we must put our faith in Him. That He will forgive our sins and cover us with His righteousness. When I finished, tears began to form in her eyes. She replied, "We believe such different things. I hope that somehow we can be in Heaven together."
Please pray for Esther. She is a dear friend, and I, too, would love to meet up with her in Heaven. But there's only one way that will happen.
Hi Kathy, This little post brought tears to my eyes too. I'm praying now that Esther will come to know the Savior.
May God bless your labor of love.
Diane from Carson City, Nevada
Hi Kathy,
This brought tears to my eyes too. I pray that Esther comes to know the Savior.
May God bless you,
Diane from Nevada
Thank you so much, Diane! It is always a blessing and encouragement to know that people are praying for the salvation of our friends and neighbors.
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